

The CVE center and the eu delegation organize training seminars against extremist online propaganda

An operational training seminar dedicated to countering radical, violent extremist and terrorist propaganda on the Internet was held at the Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism. […]

The CVE center with its experience in the regional meeting in Kosovo organized by the United Kingdom

Following the UK study visit to see the UK Prevent Model / UK Chanel Process, The CVE Center was invited to a regional meeting organized by […]

CVE Center experience at Regional Conference on Addressing Radicalization in Prisons

The CVE Center participated in the Regional Conference “Facilitating Regional Cooperation in Addressing Prison Radicalism and supporting authorities to overcome key challenges of criminal systems in […]

The CVE center in the second workshop with donors, supporting the prevention and rejection of violent extremism

The CVE Center, in co-ordination with the EU-backed IISG Integrated Security Governance Group, organized the second National Workshop on November 7, 2019, in the framework of […]

The CVE center gathers donors at the second coordination workshop on violent extremism

The CVE Center organized the second workshop in the context of donor role and support of the donors in the field of preventing and opposing violent […]

The CVE center in the activity implementing inter-institutional plan for resolution 1325 “On women, peace and security in Albania”

The Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism participated in the presentation activity of the first Monitoring report on the implementation of the Inter-Institutional Plan for Resolution […]