“Preventing violent extremism through education”, is the newest project from the CVE Ccenter, embassy of the United States and SHIS

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“Preventing violent extremism through education”, is the newest project from the CVE Ccenter, embassy of the United States and SHIS

The Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism, with the support of the US Embassy in Tirana and in cooperation with the International Association for Solidarity (SHIS), presented the project “Preventing Violent Extremism through Education”

Contributing to this presentation activity were the coordinating teachers for the follow up of the Action Plan for Countering Violent Extremism in the country, the coordinators of this course in the Regional Directorates of Pre-university Education and those in the local educational offices nationally.

The main objective of the project is to “Strengthen educational mechanisms nationwide to prevent violent extremism”. It will also focus on the creation of training modules for coordinating teachers to follow the action plan in schools, with the aim of establishing sustainable mechanisms to prevent violent extremism in Albania.