The CVE Center as part of GCERF training for psychologists’ approach to traumatic stories and stress response issues

The Director of the CVE Center contributed to the RNNC workshop, organized by IOM in Albania
The Director of the CVE Center conducted an open lecture with Mediterranean University of Albania students on P/CVE

The CVE Center as part of GCERF training for psychologists’ approach to traumatic stories and stress response issues

The CVE Center as part of GCERF training for psychologists' approach to traumatic stories and stress response issues

Publisher:            22/04/2022

The Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism participated in the training “Trauma and therapeutic health” which was treated for psychologists of Terre des Hommes organizations with a focus on the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF).

This training addressed issues of stress response, traumatic stories, war traumas, psychology of torture, children in war zones, principles of psychological first aid as well as stabilization techniques in different methods and integration.