The Director of the CVE Center conveyed her greetings to the conference: “Introduction of the Network at the Local Learning Center”, organized by WCDCA.

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The Director of the CVE Center conveyed her greetings to the conference: “Introduction of the Network at the Local Learning Center”, organized by WCDCA.

The Director of the CVE Center conveyed her greetings to the conference: "Introduction of the Network at the Local Learning Center", organized by WCDCA.

Publisher:            16/11/2021

The Director of the Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism, Mrs. Dervishi greeted the closing conference, “Presentation of the Women Peacebuilders Network at the Local Level”, within the project: “An integrated approach to promote peaceful women and youth in Albania”. This project was implemented in 11 municipalities of Albania by Woman Center for Development and Culture Albania (WCDCA), with the financial support of IPF.

The conference brought together stakeholders at the international, national, and local levels to further discuss the engagement of women and girls in issues related to security, peace, and the implementation of Resolution 1325.

In her speech, Ms. Dervishi mentioned the intensive work that the CVE Center has done in terms of preventing the phenomena of violent extremism and radicalism in Albania, but also in terms of rehabilitation and reintegration of Albanian women and children repatriated from camps in conflict zones in Syria and Iraq.

Mrs. Dervishi highlighted the importance of cooperation at the local level by extending the focus to women’s empowerment and including gender mainstreaming in security dynamics.