Meeting between the CVE Center and UNICEF Albania: “Strengthening Cooperation for the Prevention of Violent Extremism”.

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Meeting between the CVE Center and UNICEF Albania: “Strengthening Cooperation for the Prevention of Violent Extremism”.

Meeting between the CVE Center and UNICEF Albania: “Strengthening Cooperation for the Prevention of Violent Extremism”.

Publisher: 05/06/2024

The National Coordinator, also the Director of the Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism, Ms. Lady Dervishi, as well as Ms. Alma Tandili, Director of the State Agency for Child Rights and Protection, held a meeting with representatives of UNICEF Albania (The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund), Mr. Murat Sahin and Ms. Edina Kozma.

This meeting took place at the UNICEF offices and the focus was on mutual cooperation on preventing radicalization and violent extremism among the most vulnerable groups (youth, teenagers, etc.).

During the meeting, the parties also discussed the possibility of implementing programs to build the capacities of members of the Local Referral Mechanism, ensuring mentoring and training sessions to track referrals and enable the effective functionality of the Local Referral Mechanism.

Furthermore, the discussion was focused on the possibility of strengthening and expanding the services of multifunctional centers in municipalities considered “areas of interest,” where returning families and children can receive integrated services, or even for youth who may be “at risk of recruitment” or affected by radicalization and violent extremism, particularly through the use of digital space.

Additionally, the parties discussed possible support, within a comprehensive social inclusion approach, for the process of reintegration and resocialization of the children, to develop recreational activities, especially for children returning from conflict zones, as an important need for which support from UNICEF was requested, which prioritizes the well-being of children in their communities.