Publisher: 17/09/2020
Publisher: 17/09/2020
The CVE Center sees Community Policing as an essential element in terms of the proactive approach of security front-line structures. Referring to the Strategic Objective no. 1 of the National Strategy for Combating Violent Extremism and respectively the measures and activities drafted with line ministries, capacity building of Community Policing Officers is one of the major priorities of the CVE Center in order to strengthen this key component for signaling, reporting and effective prevention of cases of radicalization and violent extremism that may lead to terrorism.
The CVE Center, with the support of the International Criminal Investigation Assistance and Training Program (ICITAP) and the OSCE, conducted the second phase of the training, which involved 26 Heads of the Community Policing Section who make up 100% of the structure at the country level. Also, thirteen (13) one-day trainings were conducted with local community policing structures (645 CPO) at regional level, on the topic "Prevention of Radicalism and Violent Extremism". During these trainings, in the framework of the functioning of the referral mechanisms that are being implemented at the national level, the structure of “School Security Officers” has also been established as an important liaison figure with the Community Police Officers.