QKEDH, part of the Albanian delegation on a study visit to Norway.

EU/ CoE Regional conference: “Programs and paths that ensure the reintegration of violent extremist prisoners and marginalized prisoners at risk of radicalization in the Western Balkans”
Enhancing protection of public spaces and critical infrastructures in the Western Balkan

QKEDH, part of the Albanian delegation on a study visit to Norway.

QKEDH, part of the Albanian delegation on a study visit to Norway.

Publisher: Cve.gov.al 08/05/2024

The Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism, together with a group of deputies from the Albanian Parliament leading the albanian delegation, held high-level meetings in Norway. During this visit, in addition to the director of the CVE Center, Mrs. Lejdi Dervishi, and her staff, Albanian Parliamentarians Mr. Eduart Shalsi, Mrs. Enslemvera Zake, and Mrs. Desantila Tahiraj participated. The visit was coordinated by the executive director of Peace Volunteering Network (PVN Albania) znj. Oltiana Rama.

During the first two days, fruitful meetings were held in Oslo with senior representatives of the Norwegian Parliament. The delegation was initially received by MPs znj.Ingjerd Schou (Conservatives / PACE), z.Morten Wold (Progress party / PACE), z.Aleksander Stokkebø (Conservatives / OSCE PA), z.Sverre Myrli (Labour Party / NATO PA)and z. Jone Blikra (Labour Party / PACE), who expressed particular interest in furthering bilateral relations with Albania, appreciating our country’s active role as a stabilizing factor in the Balkans, the field of security regarding the prevention of radicalization and violent extremism, as well as the development of tourism in the coming years between the two countries.

The meetings continued at the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with its diplomats following developments in the Western Balkans, Mr. Lasr Andersen Director of the Section for Southeast Europe, Mr. Johan Løøv Deputy Director of the Section for Southeast Europe, and Frederik Onstad, Advisor at the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where the expansion of cooperation between the two countries was discussed.

The delegation also visited the Embassy of Kosovo in Norway, where they were received by the Ambassador Mrs. Nita Luci. Also present at the meeting was the Ambassador of North Macedonia to Norway, Mr. Driton Kuqi. In the meeting, it was discussed the life of the Albanian-speaking communities in the diaspora and the mutual support and a cooperative spirit between the Western Balkan countries, aiming for swift accession to the European Union.

After meetings in Oslo’s institutions, the CVE Center continued with a study visit to Kristiansand, Norway, as part of the “Democracy Week” held in this city. The CVE Center was received in a meeting by the Mayor of Kristiansand, Mr. Mathias Bernander, and other representatives, and we had the honor of attending the opening ceremony of the democracy week activities. The purpose of the visit was to exchange experiences between the two countries, familiarize with Norwegian models for preventing violent extremism and combating terrorism, inter-sectorial and inter-institutional coordination mechanisms, and building bridges of cooperation between institutions and organizations of the two countries. Mr. Nilsen, Crime Preventer at the Municipality of Kristiansand, presented the municipality’s work in the field of radicalization prevention.

The meeting was followed by representatives of the local police engaged in the fight against radicalization and violent extremism, including Sara Johansen, Regional Coordinator for the Prevention of Violent Extremism in the Norwegian Police. During the meeting, the two sides discussed cooperation between the CVE Center and the Norwegian Police for the exchange of experiences and joint inclusive training in this field.

Discussions were also held with representatives of civil society organizations and other Norwegian structures such as “Plattform” which work in this field. “PLATTFORM” is a platform between 25

municipalities in Norway, the police, and various researchers for preventing radicalization. The meeting was also attended by representatives of the organization “RVTS network,” represented by its director, Erik Solaas Gundersen. RVTS is a regional center for the prevention of radicalization and violence, the prevention of traumatic stress, and suicides.

The National Coordinator against Violent Extremism, Mrs. Lejdi Dervishi, and the staff of the CVE Center, presented the steps taken, particularly by the Ministry of the Interior and generally by Albania, in preventing and countering violent extremism, initiatives to promote democracy in Albania, respecting human rights, as well as expressing interest in and closely acquainting themselves with Norwegian models and mechanisms for preventing radicalization and violent extremism.

During the “MEET” program activities, activities related to interfaith dialogue and the challenges of contemporary society were also followed with interest, presenting the Albanian model based on religious tolerance between officially recognized authorities in Albania.

In addition to the roundtable discussions organized by the Norwegian side, the Albanian delegation also participated in the conference “The democracy Conference/European Conference” held, focusing on the fight against violent extremism and terrorism as part of the democracy week.

We express our gratitude and thanks to the Albanian and Kosovo’s diaspora, the Euro-Atlantic Albanian lobby in Kristiansand for their welcome and ongoing cooperation.