CROATIA / CVE center part of the conference “Return, Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTF) and their family members”.

EU/ CoE Regional conference: “Programs and paths that ensure the reintegration of violent extremist prisoners and marginalized prisoners at risk of radicalization in the Western Balkans”

CROATIA / CVE center part of the conference “Return, Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTF) and their family members”.

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Publisher: 23/04/2024

The Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism participated in the Conference “Return, Rehabilitation, and Reintegration of Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs) and their Family Members: Taking Stock and Way Forward”, was held, organized by RACVIAC – Centre for Security Cooperation in collaboration with the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this activity, Albania was represented by the Ministry of Defense, in addition to QKEDH.

This conference served as a crucial historic moment in consolidating regional efforts, exchanging knowledge, and formulating strategies to masterfully address the specific aspects of the return, rehabilitation, and reintegration of FTFs. Together, RACVIAC and the OSCE aspire to enhance security and sustainability throughout Southeast Europe.

The conference was opened by RADM Predrag Stipanović, Deputy Director of RACVIAC, and Ms. Selma Zeković, Head of the Counter-Terrorism Unit, OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, who appreciated the cooperation with RACVIAC, emphasizing that this cooperation has resulted in jointly organizing significant regional security and defense events. Ms. Zeković emphasized that to address everyone’s concerns, there is only one choice: to come together and collectively address the issue at hand. This requires effective partnership between government, civil society, and religious communities.

During the conference, Ms. Lejdi Dervishi, the CVE Center’s Director and National Coordinator, also representing The Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism presented the Albanian model and management strategies regarding the repatriation of individuals from conflict zones in Syria and Iraq. Also, Mrs. Dervishi highlighted that through well-coordinated and joint efforts between the responsible institutions in the country, it is aimed and guaranteed not only monitoring in order to prevent violent extremism, but through special programs for providing assistance, the rehabilitation, rehabilitation and reintegration of persons is successfully continued radicalized persons or returnees from conflict areas. The joint efforts of institutions in the country have also found the support of international partners, in successfully facing common challenges.

The CVE Center’ Director extended her appreciation on behalf of Albania for his contribution to Colonel Marinko Romić for having invited and supported the organisation of the conference.

The conference was divided into three parts. The first part included keynote presentations consisting of three different themes and was moderated by Mr. Krešimir Mamić, Head of the Terrorism Service in Zagreb, Croatia: “Overview of the situation of citizens from the Southeast Europe region held captive in Syria,” “The role of civil society in the rehabilitation and reintegration of FTFs and their families in Southeast Europe,” and “Programs and challenges related to international assistance in rehabilitation and reintegration in the Southeast Europe region.”

The first panel, titled “Criminal Justice Responses to Returned FTFs: A General Overview of Policy and Practice in Southeast Europe,” was moderated by Ms. Selma Zeković, Head of Counter-Terrorism, OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Criminal justice responses to the displacement or return of FTFs, their affiliates, or those inspired or directed by them were discussed during this session. Challenges in the criminal prosecution of individuals suspected of terrorism in remote conflict areas using evidence gathered by the military were also addressed.

The second panel, titled “Rehabilitation and Reintegration Programs within and outside the Criminal Justice System: Experiences and Lessons Learned,” was moderated by Ms. Jasna Hodžić, Program Officer, Counter-Terrorism, OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This session discussed the experiences gained and knowledge gathered from the treatment and support of returned foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs) and their families, with a particular focus on women, girls, and boys.

The conference brought together more than 30 participants and experts dealing with terrorism, law enforcement, social protection, education, and health from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Hungary, Montenegro, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Turkey, Kosovo, as well as professionals from civil society, international organizations, academia, media, and religious communities.