Regional Conference of launching the establishment of the National Referral Mechanism for the Prevention of Radicalism and the Fight against Violent Extremism.

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Regional Conference of launching the establishment of the National Referral Mechanism for the Prevention of Radicalism and the Fight against Violent Extremism.

Regional Conference of launching the establishment of the National Referral Mechanism for the Prevention of Radicalism and the Fight against Violent Extremism.

Publisher: 07/06/2024

On Thursday 6 June 2024 “The National Referral Mechanism for the Prevention of Radicalism and fight on violent extremism” was launched in Tirana. Hosted by the Minister of Interior, the launching event brings together 12 Regional Committees established as part of the mechanism under the District Prefects with the coordination and supervision of the Coordination Center for countering Violent Extremism (CVE).

In his opening remarks the Minister of Interior, Mr. Taulant Balla, stressed that Albania is a successful model in the fight against violent extremism and radicalism. The Albanian State Police along with its partners will keep up its engagement in this fight and will continue to contribute to the global joint efforts for sustainable policies in facing such major challenges, with new programs and continued contribution.

The Minister expressed his appreciation for the inter-institutional collaboration at central and local level, as well as the civil society for the efforts put in fighting radicalism and extremism in Albania, and in the rehabilitation and re-integration of returnees from conflict zones. He concluded by saying that our institutions are working on a tougher strategy for tackling radicalism.

The initiative follows the Prime Minister’s Order, no. 185, dated 31.10.2023 “On the establishment and functioning of the Regional Committees for the Prevention of Radicalism and the Fight against Violent Extremism” (for the Minister’s full speech click the link:

The National Coordinator, D/CVE Mrs. Dervishi in her remarks emphasized the CVE mission in the prevention of radicalism and violent extremism, the rehabilitation and re-integration of radicalized citizens and returnees from conflict zones and their families; she also pointed out the importance of strategic communication and the need to address online radicalism. The D/CVE also underlined the importance of implementing the Inter-Sectoral Strategy for the Prevention of Violent Extremism and the Fight against Terrorism 2023-2025, as well as the respective Action Plan.

The launching event of the National Referral Mechanism is a clear evidence of Albania’s continuous efforts and commitment for an effective and coordinated approach in the fight against these major challenges of modern times. The commitment and collaboration of all parties involved are important for the advancement of this process.

The conference was greeted by GCERF Executive Director, Dr. Khalid Koser, representatives from the US State Department, district prefects, international donors, local CSOs and governmental institutions. This historic event highlights the significant progress and collective commitment in tackling violent extremism, rehabilitation and reintegration in Albania.

The activity was supported by the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) under the coordination of the CVE Center (Ministry of Interior) and organized in cooperation with the partner CSO “Counseling Line for Women and Girls” supported by GCERF.

The attendees shared their experiences at the local and national level and discussed on action plans, as well as successes and challenges ahead.