Regional meeting between Albania and Kosovo’s National Coordinators for Countering Violent Extremism

Countering Violent Extremism Together: Partnering for Success
Regional P/CVE Seminar “Train the trainers”

Regional meeting between Albania and Kosovo’s National Coordinators for Countering Violent Extremism

A consecutive regional meeting between Albania and Kosovo’s National Coordinators for Countering Violent Extremism was held at the offices of the CVE Center in Tirana.
The CVE National Coordinator / Director of the CVE Center – Albania Mr. Agron Sojati exchanged ideas and experiences with his Kosovar counterpart, along with the delegation accompanying him by the Kosovo Security Council, regarding Albania’s developments on the implementation of the National Action Plan. The talks focused on the co-operation and coordination of the CVE Center and third actors in the field of education, justice and community policing.
The current meeting was realized following the request of the CVE National Coordinator of Kosovo, whom is holding meetings with each field representative counterparts in the Western Balkan countries.