The Director of the CVE Center contributed to the seminar “Identification of needs, challenges and solutions for management after release from prison and inter-institutional cooperation in the field of deradicalization, reintegration and rehabilitation of violent extremism convicts”.

The Director of the CVE Center contributed to a regional conference on how “to improve the practices which prevent radicalization and counter violent extremism in prisons and staff training for WB”
Global Conference Against Violent Extremism.

The Director of the CVE Center contributed to the seminar “Identification of needs, challenges and solutions for management after release from prison and inter-institutional cooperation in the field of deradicalization, reintegration and rehabilitation of violent extremism convicts”.

The Director of the CVE Center contributed to the seminar “Identification of needs, challenges and solutions for management after release from prison and inter-institutional cooperation in the field of deradicalization, reintegration and rehabilitation of violent extremism convicts”.

Publisher:            25/05/2022

The Director of the Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism, Mrs. Lejdi Dervishi, has contributed to the two-day seminar on “Identification of needs, challenges and solutions for management after release from prison and inter-institutional cooperation in the field of de-radicalization, reintegration and rehabilitation of violent extremism convicts” which took place on 24th -25th of May 2022 in Madrid.

The seminar, organized by the European Commission-funded Project, brought together policymakers and front-line staff involved in efforts to prevent and counter violent extremism.

During this activity, new ideas in the field of the inter-institutional cooperation were discussed and generated to enable the separation of violent extremism prisoners from their radical ideas.

The contribution given follows the cooperation of the fruitful relationship that the CVE Center has with partner international institutions.