CVE Center and LKGV train the psycho-social staff of the Municipality of Vlora on the management of the reintegration process for repatriates.

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CVE Center and LKGV train the psycho-social staff of the Municipality of Vlora on the management of the reintegration process for repatriates.

CVE Center and LKGV train the psycho-social staff of the Municipality of Vlora on the management of the reintegration process for repatriates.

Publisher:            10/03/2022

The Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism in cooperation with the Counseling Line for Women and Girls conducted the training on the topic: “On the management of the process of rehabilitation and reintegration of Albanian citizens returning from the Syria-Iraq conflict areas” for psycho- social of the Municipality of Vlora.

The training was attented  by fifteen representatives of this staff, psychologists and social service workers at the Municipality of Vlora, and was supported by the Counseling Line for Women and Girls through the GCERF (Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund) grant.