The CVE center continues awareness raising meetings in the municipalities of Lushnje, Fier and Vlora.

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The CVE center continues awareness raising meetings in the municipalities of Lushnje, Fier and Vlora.

As part of the information and awareness meetings it has undertaken in 61 municipalities, the Coordination Center against Violent Extremism has continued meetings with local government institutions and Local Public Safety Councils in the municipalities of Lushnje, Fier and Vlora.


The meetings focused on the issue of radicalization and violent extremism aiming to empower and build capacity for frontline actors operating in these communities, such as teachers, community policing officers, social workers, psychologists, doctors, social administrators, coordinators child protection units, etc.


Of particular note was the mechanism of the Local Public Safety Council (PSC) in the context of the creation of a national referral mechanism, which turns out to be well-functioning and challenging but remains to be further consolidated, from the perspective of inter-institutional interventions aimed at a comprehensive approach of society in opposition to the phenomenon in question.

The meetings included all front-line institutional actors in these municipalities with the aim of preventing radicalism and countering violent extremism.

The meetings were supported by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Albania.