The CVE Center supported the P/CVE roundtables, organized by IDM

The CVE Center supported the activity: “Dialogue with the Community” within the project “Empowerment of women to prevent violent extremism in society”
The CVE Center continues the professional exchange with Kosovo in the field of P/CVE

The CVE Center supported the P/CVE roundtables, organized by IDM

The CVE Center supported the P/CVE roundtables, organized by IDM

Publisher:            02/06/2021

The Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism supported roundtables on issues regarding violent extremism organized by the Institute for Democracy and Mediation. During the meetings, the participants discussed the findings of the national assessment of the driving factors of violent extremism in Albania.

The meetings were attended by representatives of civil society and youth groups, which together with the commitment of government institutions play a crucial role in preventing this phenomenon.