The CVE Center part of the meeting organized by the Embassy of Netherlands on the project “Increasing the level of security in the cyber system”

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The CVE Center part of the meeting organized by the Embassy of Netherlands on the project “Increasing the level of security in the cyber system”

The CVE Center part of the meeting organized by the Embassy of Netherlands on the project "Increasing the level of security in the cyber system"

Publisher:           13/10/2020

The CVE Center was invited to participate in the meeting organized by the Embassy of Netherlands in Tirana, in order to discuss the project on “Increasing the level of security in the cyber system”.

The meeting was attended by the Regional Coordinator for Security Affairs at the Embassy of the Netherlands in Sarajevo, Mr. Alain Ancion, representatives of the office of the National Authority for Electronic Certification (AKCESK) and representatives of the Institute of Communications and Digital Technologies.