The CVE Center in cooperation with IANS and GDP organized the first inter-institutional forum on aspects of rehabilitation and reintegration of prisoners

The CVE Center contributed to the working group “Development of intervention and rehabilitation tools for the treatment of radicalism in prisons”
The director of the CVE Center at the EU Council Conference “Review and Prospects for the Prevention of Radicalism in Europe”

The CVE Center in cooperation with IANS and GDP organized the first inter-institutional forum on aspects of rehabilitation and reintegration of prisoners

The CVE Center in cooperation with IANS and GDP organized the first inter-institutional forum on aspects of rehabilitation and reintegration of prisoners.

Publisher:            22/02/2022

The Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism in cooperation with the Institute for Activism and Social Change and the General Directorate of Prisons organized the first inter-institutional forum on aspects of rehabilitation and reintegration of violent and radicalized extremist prisoners in the Albanian penitentiary system.
The forum, organized as part of the European Union / Council of Europe Joint Horizontal Support Program for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022, served to exchange and coordinate pre- and post-release interventions for prisoners seeking comprehensive access to various state and non-state actors.