

“Workshop on Developing Strategies on Rehabilitation and Reintegration of FTF“(IRC-N7-W-18)

The Coordination Center for Countering Violent extremism – Albania was invited to give its contribution at the “Workshop on developing Strategies on Rehabilitation and Reintegration of […]

Regional Conference On “Addressing Violent Extremism and Radicalization that Lead to Terrorism while Sharing Good Prison and Probation Service Management and Practices on Rehabilitation and Reintegration Programs”

The Center Against Violent Extremism in Albania (CVE Center – Albania), prime Minister’s Office, in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and with the support of […]

Conference on “Violent Extremism in Albania”

The Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism in coordination with IDM Albania gave its contribution at the conference held in Tirana on the occasion of launching […]

The OSCE Transnational Threats Department launched the OSCE publication “The Role of Civil Society in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalization that Leads to Terrorism: A Focus on South–Eastern Europe” in Tirana, Albania.

The CVE National Coordinator / Director of the CVE Center, Mr. Agron Sojati participated in the opening of a regional event on supporting civil society role […]

Regional Conference: 2nd Meeting of the Regional Network of Western Balkan National P/CVE Coordinators

The meeting offered the Beneficiaries the opportunity to provide an update on the implementation of their National PCVE Strategies and Action-plans, with a focus on the […]

Youth Training against Bullying in Bulqiza

The USAID Local Planning and Local Government (PLGP) Project supports and works with the National Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism (CVE Center) in implementing the […]