

Delegation from Turkmenistan study visit in Tirana

A delegation from Turkmenistan had a study visit in the country from 21-24  October. CVE Center, at the request of UNDP Cooperation Office in Turkmenistan hosted […]

Interview / Coordinator Sojati: It is impossible to Talk to Authorities Holding 73 Albanians in Conflict Zone Camps in Syria and Iraq

The National Coordinator for Countering Violent Extremism, in the interview given, confirms that Albanians in conflict zones in Iraq and Syria (men, women and children) are […]

Center for Violent Extremism trains civil society organizations in Korça.

The Center for Countering Violent Extremism in cooperation with the Interregional Council and the Center for Civic Legal Initiatives conducted, from 11-13 of September, the second […]

Interview / Coordinator Sojati: Albania Active in Global Coalition Against Terror, National Strategy is a Success Story

The Center for Countering Violent Extremism has launched a national tour in 61 municipalities in the country to strengthen awareness and preventive capacities in the war […]

The CVE Center participated in a training for a Western Balkans research study on the phenomenon of Violent Extremism

The Center for Countering Violent Extremism participated in the training provided by the United States Institute of Peace, Washington and RESOLVE Network on the topic “Making […]

Awareness raising tour in municipalities and prefectures

DATE 28 February – 1, 2 March 2019 SHORT SUMMARY: Representatives of the CVE Center held mutual introduction meetings with representatives of local government in the […]