

The CVE Center in cooperation with the Interregional Council in Albania organized a workshop on “The Role of Religious Tolerance in the Prevention of Violent Extremism”


Possibility of financing the initiatives of Civil Society Organizations working in the area of prevention and countering of violent extremism in Albania

The Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism, in the framework of regional cooperation, is cooperating with he Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) which is […]

THe CVE Center’s Director supports the development of the 2nd national workshop for CSOs working to prevent violent extremism in Albania

  The new Director of The Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism (The CVE Center) has supported the cooperation with the Center for Civic Legal Initiatives […]

Presentation of the new Director of the National Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism (The CVE Center)

The new Director of the National Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism (The CVE Center), Mrs. Lejdi Dervishi was introduced today. The presentation was made by […]

The CVE Center participates in video conference with EU and regional partners on an initiative for strengthening cooperation and exchanges with the Western Balkans in managing the return of the FTF-s

  The CVE Center participated in the video-conference with EU and regional partners that took place within the Project: “Strengthening cooperation and exchanges with the Western […]

The CVE Center and Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth, participate in the first meeting with regional directorate directors of pre-university education for re-integration of children returned from Siria to school

In the framework of the implementation of the action plan for the reintegration of children returned from Syria to school, the coordinator for the Ministry of […]