

The CVE Center and UAMD Rectorate signed a cooperation agreement between them to raise students’ awareness on forms of radicalism and violent extremism


The CVE Center organizes roundtable with GCERF and representatives of embassies in the country on experience in preventing radicalization.


The Director of the CVE Center greeted the conference organized by the Muslim Community of Albania held for the third phase of the project on youth engagement for a sustainable community


Closing workshop of the project “Prevention of Violent Extremism through Local Voices and Local Initiative in the Western Balkans”


The CVE Center organized the regional conference “The Role of Women in Countering Violent Extremism in the Western Balkans” in cooperation with the OSCE Presence in Albania


The CVE Center part of the Skopje Regional Meeting on Institutional Capacity Building in the Western Balkans on the challenges of the reintegration process of returnees from conflict zones